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I can only buy a house from the DECISION MAKER (Real Estate Vlog)

Posted on: December 17th, 2022 by , No Comments

In this vlog I discuss a situation I ran into today regarding someone pretending to be the owner, or in this case the “decision maker” on selling a house that is in probate in Fort Collins, Colorado. Enjoy!


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Alright, just got done with a seller appointment here in Fort Collins. And one of the things that was interesting this is why in this will be a little bit of a longer video but I thought I would do it in vertical but you know this is why I like to say with as a real estate investor, whenever I get a phone call from somebody, this is the reason why I have to ask questions before I’m able to see a property and why don’t mind. I don’t mind if anybody ask me questions, but I just kind of scratch my head whenever people might be offended that I want to ask them questions about their property about just basically, what’s going on like, why, why did you decide to contact me to sell property? You know, how did you hear about me? What’s going on with your situation? And the only reason why I just want to know is because it just helps me structure the offer that’s best for you. Needs. It’s not necessarily. I don’t need to know everything going on. Personally in your life, if that makes sense. I just need to know what’s going on with the property and your relation to the property. You know, you don’t have to tell me everything going on in your personal life. Like, I don’t need to know it’s none of my business. All I really need even when people who are going through a divorce. Unfortunately I mean I’ve done deals in those situations plenty of time. Times. And it’s just, you know, it’s brutal. And I’m not even involved, obviously, but it’s just, it’s brutal when it just comes to hearing both sides and, you know, heartbreak and this and that and I can’t even imagine. I really can’t separation of the kids and stuff. I got stories for Days by, but, you know, even in those situations, people have told me more than I needed. To know, I didn’t need to know everything that happened. You know, but the only reason why I’m bringing this up in this video is because whenever like whenever I get on the phone with someone and I’m asking them about their current situation, if they get scared or they get skeptical and they kind of talked to me, like, why do I do you need to know all this? It raises a little bit of a red flag for me because I just want to know about the property, but they don’t want to talk to me about the property and they just wanted me to see it before. They’ll talk about anything. NG. And so this is a house that was in that situation here in Fort Collins. And I was like, okay I was like if you don’t want to I don’t know what’s going on but let’s just meet at the property. I’m not too far away. Let’s just go ahead and meet and we’ll go from there. No, that was basically – you know, I was like, all right. Fine. I took me about 18 minutes to get to the house. So luckily it wasn’t that far from another one. I was looking at Because I like to book my appointments. Pretty much the day like I have one and let’s say Longmont I’ll try to see if there’s anybody else I can book an appointment with in Longmont as well just to help me save time. So this is what happened today. Three appointments in Fort Collins, one house with a realtor and into four sub, I wanted Properties or people looking to sell without an agent. They contacted me from my YouTube channel, actually, from what you’re watching now. And so, I go and meet with them. It was a brother and sister who I went to go meet with but I was talking to the brother but the funny thing is the sister is the one that is only one has right to sell the property and is the person and they’re going through probate right now and she’s the personal representative. Their mother passed away. And now she was assigned a PR. It’s a whole different conversation on how probably works if you don’t know. But basically, Where is this situation? I said why you know, I was like if you’re the brother and you know, I was just really talking with him in like being like all right, what what’s like, where do you fit the picture? Because if I had if your sister is the personal representative I really can only talk with her for the most part and make the offer to her. She’s the decision-maker. I can talk to relatives all day long. But if they’re not the decision maker, I mean even from a legal standpoint, like there’s nothing that’s going to happen. If we just talk like yeah, everything has to be filtered through that personal representative. They they are the as if they are the actual homeowner, like that’s not like that’s how it is because I had so many situations like this where I’ll be talking to a relative. I’d be talking to somebody who is a friend of the owner Ian situations and I’m like look, this is a waste of time. It’s How I feel? I go unless you really want me to see the house and you’re the only one that can show it. That’s a different situation, but he really wanted me to do a deal with him. And I tried telling him like, no, that’s not the way it works. I can’t legally, or in any way, shape, or form. Do a deal with you. That’s just not going to happen. You don’t get the money because we did a purchase and sales agreement for this house. That’s just not how it works. You can’t. What’s the right word overrule or override or supersede the legal proceeding of probate away from your sister? Because we did a deal together even though it’s a contract if it’s going to be null and void. Once the title company sees oh wait, it’s going through probate. Well, do we get we can’t do anything about it. Has to be with the person that has the legal right to sell the house and he had no legal, right? And I basically got down to the bottom of it that Him and the sister. And yes, I do have the sisters contact details. I headed back to the office. Now I have a whole conversation with her and I mean it’s not that bad. I think that a day, it’s not like it’s trust for ruining my day. It’s just I shake my head at the situation because I wish people understood that That no matter what I have to, I can only buy from whoever is the decision maker of the property, that’s it. Point Blank and that’s why I’m going to title this video. I could only buy from whoever is the decision maker on the property and I kind of got hiccups. That’s what I’m trying to hold my breath in the middle of this video. While driving if you kind of wanted wild go like this but I’m almost at the office now. Back at back at home. Luckily, I love working for moments whole different conversation by that to explain. All that is to basically say, look, I know you may be involved in some some way because it might be a relative or your friend or something like that, but I could only talk with you so much about the situation of the sell the house. Like I just it’s not me being rude because he took it offensively when he wanted to do a deal with me. And I was like, oh wait, this is what’s going on? I was like, sorry. But we were I basically was like we’re done here. Thanks for showing me the house. I got the photos of the house and then not say, like there’s nothing for us to talk about and I was being cordial and respectful by, you know, it’s like, when once I found that out, I was like, I’m sorry just can’t do anything with you. That’s why I was trying to ask you questions ahead of time because I am only going to really have those in-depth conversations with those who are the actual decision makers to sell the property. So it is what it is. It gets frustrating when this And spy, I needed to go see the house anyway, so that’s why I went I even though I had a bad feeling about like, you know, I don’t know what this guy is up to you, but something doesn’t feel right, but it happens to people in real say all the time. You know, that just don’t understand if that even though I’m a cash buyer, I’m a real estate investor. It doesn’t mean I literally hand over a briefcase full of cash. We still have to go through, you know, it’s like it’s cash from how the title company sees it as a transaction. It’s not that I literally just give the seller 1%. I give the seller 3 Grand and they can go spend it that day. I give it to him and I gave him three hundred grand in exchange for them. Just quit claiming a deed. That’s not the way it works. You know, it’s just not the way business is done. It’s not the way I would ever want to do business, as the litigation would be insane, just it business was done, that way without title companies and without Remain being involved, that’s why there’s a HUD, you know, but I’m home now. So hopefully you enjoyed this video.