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Surviving Foreclosure: A Denver Homeowner’s Guide

Posted on: May 18th, 2023 by , No Comments

Ever found yourself tangled in the perilous web of foreclosure? If your Denver, CO, home is at stake, fret not. This blog will provide a path through the thicket, a roadmap of options, strategies, and solutions that could help you steer clear of a foreclosure catastrophe. Let’s take the bull by the horns and begin!

1. Get Familiar with the Foreclosure Process

Knowledge is power. It’s vital to understand the foreclosure process in Colorado. It often starts when a homeowner misses a few mortgage payments. The lender then files a Notice of Election and Demand (NED) with the public trustee. Now you’ve officially entered the “pre-foreclosure” phase. During this period, there are still ample opportunities to reverse the situation before your property hits the auction block.

2. Connect with your Lender

Foreclosure is a nightmare for everyone involved, including lenders. Establishing contact with your lender at the first sign of trouble could save the day. Remember, banks typically don’t relish in reclaiming properties. They’re more likely to help if you reach out early, explain your circumstances, and express a willingness to find a solution.

3. Modify or Refinance your Mortgage

Modifying or refinancing your mortgage could be the lifeline you need. The aim is to lower your monthly payments, making them more manageable. This typically involves a negotiation with your lender where you either extend the length of your mortgage or reduce your interest rate. Consult with a finance expert or lawyer to guide you through this tricky process.

4. Consider a Short Sale

A short sale can be a viable option if you owe more than your house is worth. Engaging in a short sale means selling your house for less than what’s owed on your mortgage. The proceeds from the sale are used to pay back your lender, which often results in the remaining debt being forgiven. Be sure to seek legal advice before going down this path, as there could be tax implications.

5. Deed in Lieu of Foreclosure

A last-ditch effort could involve a deed in lieu of foreclosure. This means you voluntarily give your property back to the lender to avoid foreclosure proceedings. While it still impacts your credit score, the blow is often less severe than a full-blown foreclosure. This option should only be considered when all other options have been exhausted.

6. Sell your House Fast to a Cash Buyer

A quick and often less stressful option is to sell your house swiftly to a cash buyer. Companies that buy houses for cash can close deals within days, allowing you to repay your lender before the foreclosure clock ticks too far. It’s an effective method for homeowners who need to act fast and prefer a more direct approach.

7. Bankruptcy: A Last Resort

Declaring bankruptcy should be your very last resort. It’s not a walk in the park; it’s more like a trek through the Rockies. Filing for bankruptcy can stop the foreclosure process, giving you time to reorganize your finances. While it may offer a temporary reprieve, bankruptcy leaves a lasting mark on your credit history.

In Conclusion

In this stormy sea of foreclosure, it’s easy to feel like you’re up the creek without a paddle. However, remember that Denver homeowners have a host of options to avert foreclosure. Knowledge, early action, and professional guidance can make the difference between losing your home and successfully weathering the storm.
If you’re looking to sell a house fast in Colorado, you found a willing and ready buyer right here on this site! Simply contact us by filling out the form here or give us a call at 303-997-2045.